Church Resources

Church Resources

Take a look at your church’s mission statement. Like every other church mission statement, there is something it does not include: an expiration date. The church is of God and of eternity. In other words, we expect our church to be here forever. However, our approach to giving too often focuses on the here and now, and not on the tomorrow. Many times, the Foundation is asked how a church can even begin considering funds for future use while it is struggling to make ends meet now. Our answer is through careful planning, praying and implementation. We have many resources to help you maintain and then to sustain your church. Please contact us if you would like a Foundation representative to visit with your committee and answer any questions you may have. If you are ready to open an account, simply fill out an Investment Management Agreement and mail it in with your funds. We will mail an acknowledgement of the receipt of the funds and agreement within 1-2 days. 

  • Socially screened investment and fund management services for churches and other ministries of the church
  • Endowment fund creation and development support
  • Ministry Grants
  • New Start/New Faith Grants
  • Donor-Advised Funds 
  • Seminary Scholarships
  • Gift planning with individuals
  • Free Workshops and Seminars

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Investment Services

Investment Services

Sophisticated investors have long understood the need for diversification and asset allocation among the various types of investment vehicles.  Such diversification and allocation can provide both protection from undue risk and opportunity for significant growth.  The Foundation provides investment services that are otherwise unavailable to most of our Conference churches and other ministries.  These services include:

  • Five funds (actively managed by outside fund managers) with varying degrees of earnings and growth from conservative to risky;
  • Socially responsible investing as guided by the Book of Discipline;
  • Low minimum deposit of $1,000; 
  • Ongoing oversight by the Foundation’s Board of Directors and Finance Committee;
  • Quick and convenient access to invested funds with deposits and withdrawals allowed at any time and without fees;
  • Separate quarterly reports for each account (monthly reports online);
  • Availability of innumerable, separately administered accounts;
  • All funds on deposit remain the property of the account holder.

Above all else, you have access to the Foundation’s wealth of knowledge, financial tools, resources, and staff,  and with that comes the peace in knowing that you are working with an entity that solely exists to help you and your church grow and be successful. 

For more information, please see our Investment Services Guidebook.  Please contact us if you would like a printed guidebook sent to you.  If you would like to take a look at our Investment Management Agreement, you can find it here


Endowment Fund Creation & Growth

Endowment Fund Creation & Growth

The future of our churches and related ministries depends upon how successfully we develop and fund permanent endowments.  The responsibility for such development rests upon the shoulders of church leaders. There is no cost to create and develop a church, institution or organization endowment fund.  There is only a cost if we neglect to do so.  When endowment funds exist and are properly and consistently kept in the forefront of our mission, they will grow and provide much needed financial support to assure God’s work will continue through our church or related ministry.

For more information, please see our Endowment Fund Guidebook.  Please contact us if you would like a printed guidebook sent to you. If you would like to take a look at our Endowment Agreement, you can find it here.

For more information or assistance in the development of an endowment fund program, please contact the Foundation.


Workshops & Seminars

Workshops & Seminars

Gift Planning Seminars

These seminars are presented upon request to church groups and other organizations at no cost.  Topics covered include information about:

  • The best assets to gift to heirs;
  • The best assets to gift to the church or other charities;
  • Receiving guaranteed lifetime income on charitable gifts;
  • Reducing or eliminating income taxes, estate taxes and capital gains taxes;
  • Living in your home for life but receiving an income tax deduction today;
  • Receiving tax benefits for a life insurance policy no longer needed; and
  • Increasing income during retirement and supporting the church’s mission after your lifetime.

Fund Development Workshops

While there are four distinct types of fund development, most churches rely on just one, and occasionally two, methods.  Considering that church members live in a society wherein they have multiple interests and multiple organizations vying for their financial support, our Conference churches and ministries suffer the consequences of competing with “four-legged” fund development programs while utilizing only one or two legs ourselves. Churches have both the need and the obligation to offer their members the gifting opportunities and options that become available only through a well-developed Total Fund Development Program.

Workshops & Seminars For Your Church

The Foundation offers a variety of workshops and seminars for your church and committees, depending on your needs and requests.  Some of our more popular workshops include our Gift Planning Seminar, Estate Planning Workshop, Endowment Fund 101 for Committees Workshop, and The Total Fund Development Plan for Churches Seminar. If you have a need for a presentation that covers a different topic, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Pre-Capital Campaign Planning

Pre-Capital Campaign Planning

While the Foundation is not equipped in terms of manpower to provide complete Capital Campaign consultation, our services do include initial consultation to assist churches in understanding what a campaign will entail, services that consultants will provide, estimated costs, size and number of gifts required, etc. We would be happy to help guide your committee through this initial process.  For more information, please contact the Foundation.

Bulletin Inserts & Print Resources

Bulletin Inserts & Print Resources

We have many resources  available for you and your church.  From printed materials to bulletin inserts, you will find some of these resources here.  If you are looking for additional resources to meet a specific need within your church, please contact us. 

Legacy Giving Resources
Endowment Fund Resources
Estate Planning
Foundation Services Information
Church Sustainability

Church Sustainability

The future of our churches and related ministries depends upon how successfully we develop and fund permanent endowments.  The responsibility for such development rests upon the shoulders of our church leaders. There is no cost to create and develop a church, institution or organization endowment fund.  There is only a cost if we neglect to do so.  When endowment funds exist and are properly and consistently kept in the forefront of our mission, they will grow and provide much needed financial support to assure God’s work will continue through our church or related ministry.

For more information or assistance in the development and/or marketing of an endowment fund program, please contact the Foundation.


Congregational Stewardship

Congregational Stewardship

The Foundation is available for stewardship presentations to Nebraska churches.  Churches wishing to secure this service are urged to call the Foundation and schedule as soon as possible. 

Consultation and Support

Consultation and Support

What if we could master plan our churches the way commercial businesses and many non-profit organizations do? What if we could anticipate our needs for ministry and facilities and staff and create a plan to support our current needs, and those of the future? The answer is, we can. This process can seem overwhelming and lonely and as a Foundation, we understand that. Let us provide the training and education you need to ensure financial stability for your church.