Course of Study scholarships and Church Leadership Education & Support scholarships are administered on a reimbursement basis and are subject to approval from the Stewardship Committee and the Board of Directors at the April, July or October meetings.
Church Leadership (Clergy & Lay Leaders) Education & Support Scholarship
Course of Study Scholarship Guidelines
Course of Study Scholarship Application
Other scholarship application materials are available each year from April 1 to June 30 and are reviewed by the Stewardship Committee and voted on by the Board of Directors during the July meeting. Recipients are notified by mid August and a check is mailed directly to the recipient's college. Please review the guidelines for each scholarship carefully as each has different requirements. Once you have determined which scholarship(s) you qualify for, you are welcome to apply for those scholarships during our scholarship season.
Seminary Scholarship Guidelines
Seminary Scholarship Application
Tither's Scholarship Guidelines & Application
Palmyra UMC - Mary Bachman-Harris Scholarship Guidelines & Application
Thank you to those who have made the sacrifice to establish the following undergraduate, seminary and course of study scholarships:
Albert R. Murdoch Ministerial Scholarship
Alice Kruse Ministerial Scholarship
Alice Kruse Seminary Scholarship
Alva Clark Seminary Scholarship
Andrew & Nevabelle Howe Scholarship
Baldwin F. & Amy L. Kruse Scholarship
Ben & Martha Simmons Scholarship Fund
Charles & Marilyn Humphrey Seminary Scholarship
Cowles UMC Memorial Schlarship
Darrell & Joyce Pickett Scholarship
David Wayne Krick & Donald E. Krick, Jr. Seminary Scholarship
Dean, Jean & Randy Fleming and Humphrey/Goff Global Methodist Scholarship
Floma Taylor Scholarship
Frederick & Esther Paulus Course of Study Scholarship
Gifts from the Heart Course of Study Scholarship
Good Steward Scholarship
Harlan & Mabelle Wyrick Memorial Scholarship
Joe Meehan UMM 100 Club Global Methodist Scholarship
Merv Schleifert UMM 100 Club Scholarship
Murdock Ebenezer UMC Professional Church Leader Scholarship
Myrtle Williams Seminary Scholarship
Palmyra UMC - Mary Bachman-Harris Scholarship
Rev. Albert W. Winseman Scholarship
Rev. George & Mrs. Wilma Clay Course of Study Scholarship
Rev. Robert E. & Lily A. Berlie Scholarship
Scahill Family Scholarship
Tither's Scholarship
United Methodist Men's 100 Club Scholarship (for UM & Global Methodist applicants)
Veryl & Sylvia Miller Memorial Scholarship
Women in Ministry Scholarship (available to both Kansas and Nebraska women)
Also new this year, a generous donor has established an endowment at the Nebraska United Methodist Foundation to perpetuate funds for Laity Leadership Development Scholarships. If you are interested in growing these scholarship funds, please learn more here.