Scholarships & Grants

Scholarships & Grants

The Foundation is pleased to have grant and scholarship opportunities available to Nebraska individuals, churches and affiliated agencies of the Great Plains United Methodist Conference.  The Foundation is able to award these grants and scholarships due to the generosity of donors to our Gifts from the Heart Endowment Fund and endowed scholarship funds.     

The Foundation currently administers new church start grants, mission grants, and ministry grants as well as seminary & course of study scholarships.

The following is an overview of when application materials become available and deadlines  for each of the Foundation's programs. Please note that course of study scholarships are awarded on a reimbursement basis and can be applied for at any time during the year. 

January-MarchNew Start/New Faith Community Grant,  Mission Grant & Spring Ministry Grant - Applications Available on January 1, Deadline March 31st
April-JuneSeminary & Tither's Scholarship  - Applications Available on April 1, Deadline June 30th
July-SeptemberFall Ministry Grant, Fall New Start/New Faith Community Grant  - Applications Available on July 1, Deadline September 30th



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Dean & Keitha Thomson Mission Grant

Dean & Keitha Thomson Mission Grant

This Mission Grant has been established through an endowment fund by Dr. Dean and Mrs. Keitha Thomson. Grants will be awarded annually to a member of a United Methodist church or a member of a recently disaffiliated UM church who is in need of funding for a mission trip. Mission trips may be located locally, nationally, or internationally with a focus on global health, including but not limited to medical needs, or disaster and recovery efforts. The mission trip work must be considered to be of a beneficial nature to the larger community and an integral part of a long-range plan for growth and outreach. 

The mission grant programs opens January 1st and the deadline to apply is March 31st.

Dean & Keitha Thomson Mission Grant Guidelines & Application



Course of Study scholarships and Church Leadership Education & Support scholarships are administered on a reimbursement basis and are subject to approval from the Stewardship Committee and the Board of Directors at the April, July or October meetings.

Church Leadership (Clergy & Lay Leaders) Education & Support Scholarship

Course of Study Scholarship Guidelines
Course of Study Scholarship Application

Other scholarship application materials are available each year from April 1 to June 30 and are reviewed by the Stewardship Committee and voted on by the Board of Directors during the July meeting.  Recipients are notified by mid August and a check is mailed directly to the recipient's college.  Please review the guidelines for each scholarship carefully as each has different requirements. Once you have determined which scholarship(s) you qualify for, you are welcome to apply for those scholarships during our scholarship season.  

Seminary Scholarship Guidelines
Seminary Scholarship Application
Tither's Scholarship Guidelines & Application
Palmyra UMC - Mary Bachman-Harris Scholarship Guidelines & Application


Thank you to those who have made the sacrifice to establish the following undergraduate, seminary and course of study scholarships: 

Albert R. Murdoch Ministerial Scholarship 
Alice Kruse Ministerial Scholarship 
Alice Kruse Seminary Scholarship 
Alva Clark Seminary Scholarship
Andrew & Nevabelle Howe Scholarship 
Baldwin F. & Amy L. Kruse Scholarship
Ben & Martha Simmons Scholarship Fund
Charles & Marilyn Humphrey Seminary Scholarship
Cowles UMC Memorial  Schlarship 
Darrell & Joyce Pickett Scholarship
David Wayne Krick & Donald E. Krick, Jr. Seminary Scholarship
Dean, Jean & Randy Fleming and Humphrey/Goff Global Methodist Scholarship
Floma Taylor Scholarship 
Frederick & Esther Paulus Course of Study Scholarship

Gifts from the Heart Course of Study Scholarship

Good Steward Scholarship
Harlan & Mabelle Wyrick Memorial Scholarship

Joe Meehan UMM 100 Club Global Methodist Scholarship

Merv Schleifert UMM 100 Club Scholarship
Murdock Ebenezer UMC Professional Church Leader Scholarship
Myrtle Williams Seminary Scholarship 

Palmyra UMC - Mary Bachman-Harris Scholarship

Rev. Albert W. Winseman Scholarship 
Rev. George & Mrs. Wilma Clay Course of Study Scholarship
Rev. Robert E. & Lily A. Berlie Scholarship
Scahill Family Scholarship
Tither's  Scholarship

United Methodist Men's 100 Club Scholarship (for UM & Global Methodist applicants)
Veryl & Sylvia Miller Memorial Scholarship
Women in Ministry Scholarship (available to both Kansas and Nebraska women)

Also new this year, a generous donor has established an endowment at the Nebraska United Methodist Foundation to perpetuate funds for Laity Leadership Development Scholarships.  If you are interested in growing these scholarship funds, please learn more here. 

Ministry Grants

Ministry Grants

The Nebraska United Methodist Foundation awards a limited number of ministry grants to Nebraska Methodist churches and affiliated agencies of the Great Plains United Methodist Conference twice a year. 

Through these awards of grant dollars, we seek to enhance and expand ministries of the United Methodist Church. These grants are made only for programs and activities (including operating expenses and supplies). They are not made for building repair, replacement, salaries, church operations or expansion. The grants come from the Foundation’s “Gifts From the Heart” Endowment Fund.  Applications are reviewed by the Foundation's Stewardship Committee and voted on by the Board of Directors at the April and October board meetings. 

The ministry grant program runs twice a year: January 1st with a deadline of March 31st and July 1st with a deadline of September 30th.   To apply, please complete the application and mail it to us or submit via email to Sharon Schmidt, Director of Stewardship, at sschmidt [at]  Please contact us at 402-323-8844 if you have any questions about the grant application process. 


New Start New Faith Grant

New Start New Faith Grant

It is the mission of the Foundation to be a catalyst that strengthens Nebraska ministries and churches. We support innovative ideas that meet the needs of a diverse and rapidly changing society. Part of the way in which we do this is through our New Start New Faith Community Grants. 

If you are a new church start and are interested in applying for these grants, please review the information provided at the link below. Grants are awarded on a semi-annual basis. The Spring program runs January 1 - March 31 and the Fall program runs July 1 - September 30.






Gifts From the Heart (GFTH) Facilities Upgrade Matching Grant

Gifts From the Heart (GFTH) Facilities Upgrade Matching Grant

The Nebraska United Methodist Foundation Gifts From The Heart (GFTH) – Facility Upgrades Matching Grant is available to Nebraska United Methodist Churches within the Great Plains Conference. The goal of this grant is to assist United Methodist Churches in need of financial support for their building, remodel, or maintenance and repairs projects. Common examples of supported projects could be accessibility improvements, safety upgrades, or emergency repairs. By providing support for the building projects of churches, it allows them to grow current or begin new ministries.

GFTH - Facilities Upgrade Matching Grant





Mission Grants

Mission Grants

It is the mission of the Nebraska United Methodist Foundation to be a catalyst that strengthens existing mission ministries and supports and develops innovative mission ministries meeting the needs of a diverse and rapidly changing society. The Foundation offers two mission grant opportunites.

The Dean & Keitha Thomson Mission Grants are for individuals who are in need of financial assistance in order to participate on a mission trip.

Dean & Keitha Thomson Mission Grant Guidelines & Application

The Gifts from the Heart (GFTH) Mission Grants are for Nebraska United Methodist Churches who are planning mission trips within their congregation.

Gifts From The Heart Mission Grant Guidelines & Application

Mission trips may be located locally, nationally, or internationally with a focus on global health, including but not limited to medical needs, or disaster and recovery efforts. The mission trip work must be considered to be of a beneficial nature to the larger community and an integral part of a long-range plan for growth and outreach.