A Journey Through God’s Calling
A Journey Through God’s Calling

In 2006, Doug Gahn found himself in a moment that was powerful, filled with humility and assurance. As his knees weakened, he began weeping. In this moment he heard God’s calling. This calling would eventually lead him to leave a three figure job, putting his girls and wife, Anne, at risk. He would hear his boss call him “crazy” as he gave his notice, so close to a promotion and then retirement, while advancing through seminary school. A few years later, he watched Anne get her own calling and begin seminary. They found themselves using home equity to pay bills, Doug rode his bike five miles to work to save gas money, and they replaced hot meals with cold sandwiches to save on groceries. This was their journey. And they were grateful; grateful for this calling, grateful for their new future, and grateful for the support they found through the NUMF scholarship program.
Today Doug and Anne are thriving as pastors, creating and sharing new moments; moments of pure joy, peace and continued gratitude - gratitude for their calling and for the people who supported them along the way. Anne reflects on the scholarship support, “My husband and I think about our scholarship donors and NUMF often. We ask for their prayers and we pray for them. These donors have been such an important part of our journey.” Doug also reflects on the scholarship program, “This program gives you a sense that someone cares about your journey. These scholarships are tokens from people that say ‘we care’ and you don’t feel so alone.” The Foundation is grateful to be the vehicle that connects donors and pastors in this way.